Last 30 days
Performance indicator
This performance indicator allows for the comparison of the efficiency on energy production across different projects.
0,00 uWatt
The uWatt is a token backed by a pool of operating clean energy generation projects. The returns from all projects in the Reserve are distributed in digital dollars to uWatt owners in proportion to their percentage of participation. The uWatts are emitted each time new projects are added to the Reserve.
0 Operational projects
All operational projects in the Reserve generate a cash flow from the sale of energy.
0,00 MWh
0,00 MWh
Last 30 days
This performance indicator allows for the comparison of the efficiency on energy production across different projects.
The funds collected each month from the sale of energy from all the projects that are part of the Reserve are distributed as follows:
A first part of the revenue is allocated to offset the value loss of projects due to depreciation. These funds are used to purchase new pWatts equal to the lost value and are added to the Reserve, ensuring that your uWatts do not lose value over time.
Another part of the revenue is dedicated to incentivizing liquidity providers on decentralized exchanges, facilitating liquidity for the buying and selling of uWatts in the secondary market.
The remaining funds are distributed to uWatts owners in proportion to their participation over the total number of uWatts in circulation.
Earnings are distributed to uWatts owners in USDT, a stable coin linked to the value of the US dollar (USD), which is currently the most widely circulated stable coin in the world and is issued by the company Tether.
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